• MEA IBS Installed on site
  • Yoke Style IBS Assembly
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Mechanical Engineers Australia (MEA) have been designing and manufacturing IBS (Intermediate Boom Support) Rope Mechanical Tensioners to the mining industry for the past 30years. Continuously improving and innovating the design to ensure maximum efficiency & reliability is achieved in providing exacting tension control over the dragline boom.

MEA IBS Tensioners reduce machine vibration and protect the boom against fatigue and cracking. MEA custom design to suit any Dragline, whether it’s a traditional Wire Rope or latest technology Synthetic Rope Pendants.

MEA Tensioner are built to the highest standard employing heat treated alloy forgings & precision machined components with unique Molybond treated surfaces. Mechanically and structurally robust, MEA Tensioners handle loads and stresses with high mechanical efficiency and without degradation over multiple life cycles.

The MEA Split Nut design offers a practical solution to the common issue of seized locknuts in tensioner systems. The split nut can be easily unbolted and removed, a huge benefit compared to traditional nuts that might seize and become immovable due to corrosion or wear. This innovative design manages inherent axial forces through load sharing across its stepped flange characteristics.

MEA supply’s the client with a complete, ready to install, IBS Mechanical Tensioner Assembly. This includes all hydraulic rams, hand pumps, adjustment studs and all necessary specialist tooling.

MEA supports mining operations worldwide with dedicated top-tier industry service to provide the ultimate solution.